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Recovery Roadmap: A Comprehensive Guide to Rebuilding After Wildfires – Insights from Survivors

Black and silver compass on white background

In the wake of a devastating fire, survivors face the daunting challenge of rebuilding their lives from the ashes. This article presents essential steps and guidance gathered from those who have endured similar wildfires, including the 2018 Camp Fire in Paradise, CA, the 2021 Marshall Fire in Boulder County, CO, and the Black Summer of 2019/2020 in Australia. These insights aim to provide a compass for navigating the complex path to recovery.

A Note for Homes That Withstood Flames

Even if your home still stands among burned structures, most will require significant renovations and smoke remediation. It may even necessitate complete gutting to the studs and subsequent rebuilding. Therefore, this advice is just as much for you as it is for people whose homes burned to the ground.

The Foundation: Organization is Key

The administrative tasks during recovery demand extensive time and dedication. These tasks persist and tend to escalate, requiring continuous attention. To tackle these challenges, arm yourself with a notebook and a file box. Daily information accumulation requires impeccable organization. Dedicate distinct sections for insurance, government and nonprofit agencies providing services, contacts, receipts, etc.

Advocacy and Assistance

Leverage the support of an advocate who can do things for you. From picking up groceries to purchasing clothing, let a trusted friend or family member do it for you. They are looking for ways to support you. Some other ways your advocate can serve you:

  • Researching temporary housing and only sending you the viable options that are available, in your price range, and fit your needs.
  • Set up a GoFundMe, Venmo, MealTrain, or Rebuild account on your behalf.
  • Summarize the fire and relief updates so you don't have to listen to them.
  • Set up a separate email account just for all things fire-related so that it isn't getting lost or overwhelming your personal email account.
  • Fill out paperwork for you.


If you haven’t done so already, file a claim with your insurance company today and start the process to receive emergency funds. Ask for a copy of your insurance policy and meticulously read it to understand your coverage. Communicate with your insurance agent primarily through email to document all discussions. If you do communicate by phone, send a follow-up email summarizing the conversation. Bear in mind that although your agent may be friendly, their goal is to minimize payouts so this will keep a record of the things they promise you. Additionally, we recommend forming a group with people who have the same insurance provider as you to compare notes. Next, communicate with the rest of your insurance points as needed such as car insurance or life insurance.

Housing Solutions

Take immediate action to secure temporary housing, as delays may lead to a lack of available homes or apartments. Aim for comfortable accommodations that can sustain you for at least a year. If required, explore longer-term rental options, making sure to include insurance coverage in your rental agreement.

Utilities and Essential Services

Notify utility companies of service adjustments, either freezing or canceling them. This includes electric, gas, TV, landline phone services, and even newspaper delivery. Consider setting up a PO Box to ensure streamlined mail delivery during your transitional period. Use this PO Box as the mailing address on all forms you begin to fill out.

Inventory of Belongings

Despite its emotional difficulty, it's crucial to create a detailed list of your home's contents. Your insurance claim will likely require this list to ensure maximum compensation. Itemize belongings by room, noting replacement costs for accurate valuations. Consider keeping a list accessible on your phone and having a notepad nearby at all times, enabling you to record items the instant you recall them. It's advisable to document everything, even if it surpasses your policy limit. This is a critical step, as items exceeding your policy limit qualify as a loss, eligible for tax claims. This process might evoke intense emotions, possibly leading to tears, but remember, this response is entirely normal. If you need help getting started, we've created a free home inventory template you can access below:


Direct Services

To ensure comprehensive support, make sure to register at local shelters and with relevant agencies and nonprofits. These registries serve as crucial points of contact, facilitating aid delivery, and minimizing the risk of overlooking any assistance opportunities.

In the event of a major disaster in the United States, FEMA will establish a Disaster Assistance Center, alongside the presence of the Red Cross and the United Way, both offering swift access to emergency cash aid. FEMA will initiate its setup within a designated building, amassing an array of resources to support those in need. During this process, you will be assigned a unique FEMA number, which will become an identification akin to your Social Security number; make sure to carry it with you at all times.

Debris Cleanup

Equip yourself with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and necessary tools for debris removal such as sturdy boots, gloves, and shovels. Remember that there are lots of toxins in the air after a fire. A permit might be required for clean up so check with your county. This cost should be covered by your insurance, though you might have to be persistent.

Smoke Damaged Homes

One of the most pressing concerns for families residing in smoke-damaged homes revolves around identifying salvageable items on their property. To tackle this, it's advisable to engage a certified industrial hygienist who can offer expert advice and evaluate the necessary remediation steps. Ensure separate entities handle industrial hygiene tasks and remediation to maintain objectivity. Expect that belongings made of plastic, books, board games, and soft furnishings like mattresses, couches, curtains, rugs, and sheets, may need to be discarded. Exercise caution with irreplaceable or sentimentally valuable soft goods and refrain from outsourcing third-party cleaning as they may become more damaged. Know up front that these procedures might surpass initial expectations in both duration and financial implications.

Tax Considerations

When it comes to taxes, there are two significant factors to keep in mind. First, funds obtained from GoFundMe might be subject to taxation. Second, remember that losses incurred due to the wildfire can often be claimed on your taxes. To gain a comprehensive understanding of these considerations, it's advisable to consult with a tax professional.

Uniting with Others

Establish a regular meeting schedule where individuals affected by the disaster can gather. This serves as an opportunity to engage in discussions, seek mutual support, exchange insights, and compare experiences. Embrace open conversations about emotions and personal encounters; bottling up your feelings isn't necessary. As you navigate the journey of rebuilding, you'll gain invaluable insights from fellow survivors. Recognize that everyone possesses unique strengths; therefore, it's beneficial to share your strengths and collaborate with others for collective progress.

Emotional Well-being

Understand that triggers related to the fire will persist throughout your life, serving as a reminder of this chapter. Your existence will be divided into the periods before and after the fire, with a longing for the possessions and experiences that were lost. Give yourself permission to express your emotions–whether that means shouting, shedding tears, or venting your frustrations. Prioritize self-care in the best way you can. You can read more about self-care HERE.


Recovering from the devastation caused by wildfires is undoubtedly a demanding journey. However, armed with meticulous organization, bolstered by community support, and guided by thoughtful planning, survivors possess the resilience to navigate these challenges and emerge strong.